Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Scarecrow Festival

This weekend I went up to Preston to spend the weekend with Katherine, Joseph and Phillip. The trip up was interesting. I managed to book a seat at a table. Opposed a very drunk couple who were very friendly but the lady was a little bit much. I managed to diffuse the angry fight over Brexit and Trump which she tried to instigate in the carriage (I agreed with the other sensible people but didn't fancy a fight) by talking about the weather. A lot. Trust me to end up near a trump lover. (On the way back I put my headphones in before I even got on the train to avoid this same thing.) 

I might be biased but my little Joseph is the cutest (along with my other niece and nephew of course). But he is an amazing little gentleman, so polite and sweet. On Saturday morning, even though I am certain he didn't remember me, he was so sweet and friendly and later in the weekend asked were Auntie Katie went when I went to the loo. Such a cutie. 

On Saturday Katherine, Joseph and I headed out to the first ever Garstang scarecrow festival. It was really cute with the whole town getting involved.

2 of my favourite people
The theme was films and children's TV. Some were obvious; some not so much.

Flower pot men and Weed
Aptly creepy Magic Roundabout  
Pirates of the Caribbean.
Sponge Bob
Postman Pat, sponsored by the post office.
Joseph introduced me to the new Postman Pat. I am disgusted. He is so stupid now and is the one who causes most of the issues. I swear he used to be smarter. Thankfully Fireman Sam is still smart and sensible, though someone who should have put Norman in Juvie by now!

Looking suspicious.
I have zero clue. Drunk Lady?
Wally was disappointingly easy to find.
Funny bones.
There were some which stood out. The Little mermaid (who did look a little "Hello Sailor" granted) was made by the local florist and had a tail made of leaves. The Simpsons were also really good.

I also loved one of the Peter Rabbit scenes, mainly for the little disappearing bunny butts in the hedge.

But I think the best was made by the local primary school. They did "the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" with an amazing lion and a witch with hay dreadlocks. 

And special mention to the the Batman with the little crotchet robin on his shoulder.  

We left after lunch so did miss some, but a little boy needed a nap before his swimming lesson. Which was so cute!

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Walking grey hounds

While Kerry and Craig were here last, at the Chestnut Sunday we found a stall for the Wimbledon Grey Hound Rescue centre (oddly no where near Wimbledon). They are ex-racing dogs which have no home. Some of them can be re-homed and are just waiting for their forever home but others never will be. They have been racing and living in a kennel too long. But they still need walking and still want a bit of love. You can volunteer to walk the dogs so this weekend I decided to give it a go. 

They are such sweet dog and so lazy. You can only walk them down the lane and back and they are done. My first dog was Leo who was such a happy lad. 

Happy Leo.

I tried to take some photos while walking but when they move they move. Otherwise so lazy. 
They also had a pair so I teamed up with a lovely lady and took Shauna and Romeo out. Shauna was very nervous, as she was new but relaxed once we started walking. Romeo, who I walked, was a charmer and a gentleman protecting Shauna but a solid muscle. There were only a few times he really wanted to go somewhere. But when he did, we went. I have no choice in this. 

With (black) Romeo - there is also a white Romeo.
Today I woke up in a foul mood. So went to Bushy Park to sit in the sun with some wine and strawberries to cheer myself up. It worked.

Saturday, 7 July 2018

Last day of my holiday

On the last day of the holiday (well, mine as mom and dad stayed down a few days more), we headed into Padstow for a last Cream tea. My favourite cafe, Greens, sells really nice gluten free cream teas so is a must. I also got a pair of shoes I had seen earlier (super comfy) and we got some fresh seafood.

After this we took a picnic down to Trevone beach. This beach was a fair bit busier and we set up near a very whiny little chid. (We were glad when they left.) 

As usual we stayed late as enjoyed the quiet as most people went home - the best part of the day. None of us went swimming but Dad and I did paddle and chat and put the world to rights as we often do. It was great!

On evening we had a meal at the pub with some of dad's friends, who is also their caravan neighbour, before retiring back to the caravan for more wine and chat and the sunset.

I travelled back on the Sunday through insanely heavy rain and traffic. I wish I was back there already. I picked an amazing week to have an England holiday.

Music at Prideaux Place

On the last Friday of my holiday we spent the day doing a little shopping. St. Eval candle shop wasn't too far away and they sell their candles at half the price you can find them anywhere else. Plus they last for ages! We also found a nice farm shop with a great cafe (though the shop was crazily overpriced) and the usual craft fair was on in Padstow so I started my Christmas shopping. (Not kidding - got my first present sorted).

Dad has been getting up stupidly early and going for an early morning run, sometimes before sunrise. He makes the rest of us look lazy but there is no way we are crazy enough to get up that early when we don't have too so he's on his own. On one of his runs, he found a beautiful field full of wild flowers, and took mom and I to see it. It was quite amazing.

On the Friday evening, we went to Music in the Park at Prideaux Place, a beautiful house only 5 mins drive from the caravan. They do an outdoor concert every year to raise money for the NSPCC. This is the first time mom and dad have been down there for it so were very excited. We took a picnic of grilled chicken, cheeses, salad, garlic bread and wine (plus some cider for dad who was driving), and strawberries and clotted creams, and chocolates for desert. We thought we were well prepared with our picnic and blanket. But some others put us to shame. They had chairs and tables and tents! 

I also found out that some wines may contain milk. I have yet to figure out how how but it says it on the bottle. 

The concert had 3 bands, an Irish style trio, a band with a brass section and a fantastic female singer, and an Elton John tribute act.

View over the crowd at sunset. 

Dancing - all older women

We had a great time though we did wish we had chairs - we all had numb bums by the end. And should have taken blankets as we were getting a little chilling towards the end. We ended up back at the caravan with a G&T, so great end to a lovely day.

Thursday, 5 July 2018


For the couple of the days left near Padstow, we headed to Treyarnon beach early afternoon, after a relaxed morning and a trip somewhere for lunch.

Treyarnon is a lovely beach and was easy for mom to walk down to. And Dad likes swimming there. Mom and I paddled but it was a bit too cold still.
On the first evening we stayed a bit later and headed up to the YHA centre for dinner. 

Dad headed off to photograph the sunset. I took a few photos but the bugs were getting annoying and starting to eat me so mom and I ended up in the car waiting.