Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Cotswolds Zoo with Friends

I spent last weekend in the Cotswolds with Matt, El, Clare and little baby Olivia. We couldn't go to our usual cottage but found a really good alternative. On the Saturday we went to the Cotswolds Zoo. All for Olivia of course, even though she slept through most of it. The adults however loved it. The weather was hit and miss but they had little shelters from the drizzle and we had umbrellas.
The best bit was at the start. Rhinos. And there was a baby! Baby Alan was born 13th September so roughly the same age as Olivia.  

Baby Alan
They came so close! There was just a little wall and ditch and they went into the ditch to snacks. Little Alan had some issues get out though; it was a bit slippy.

Olivia was a bit confused by them.
Next was the giraffe and they were inside by the viewing platforms, having lunch so we got really close to them.

Not sure how impressed she is.

I really recommend this zoo. They have big enclosures and lots of animals. And many I have never heard of.
Lion pack


Cloudy leopard.

Matt attempted the kids play ground but gave up.
We lucked in and were in time for the penguin feeding. There was one little cute one who was playing the clown, swimming on his side, waving his flipper and splashing. The Happy feet of the bunch.

food! food!

We spent the evening at the cottage watching a movie and playing with the baby.

Yes we dressed her up.
Sunday we went to Bourton-on-the-water for a walk around and lunch. One shop was packed so Matt and I stayed outside with the buggy so we entertained ourselves.
Shiny object!
Trying to make her smile.
Milk coma face - and blackmail material for later in life.

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