On the Saturday, after a lazy morning, I booked a trip on the Flipper Uno, a Canarian made pirate sailing ship. Because why not? The boat was beautiful. And Los Gigantes is quite small so there is a limited choice.
Flipper Uno |
Pirate ship |
There were quite a few people on board and I really shouldn't have been so lazy that morning as most of the seat were already taken and I got there "early" or so I thought! Still I managed to grab a seat on the main deck so I was close to the water.
This guys was staring all trip |
Skull and cross bones |
and cannons |
Sailing |
They really got into the pirate thing! (And one was very pretty - not the one in the next photo; he was just insane!)
This pirate was nuts! |
The boat was bigger than the one the day before, so we headed out further and found a pod of pilot whales. It wasn't as good as the last time I went whale watching, but still fun.
Whale sighting |
The pod |
Coming up for air |
After watching the whales for a while, we headed along the cliffs and to Masca Bay. I was looking for a boat that did a different trip, but they all do pretty much the same trip, just in different boats.
Los Gigantes cliffs |
The white boat is a reasonably big boat. |
They fed us and all drinks were free. Some people made good use of this as it included beer and wine. But we set out at 11.30am. That is just way too early for me to be drinking!
After stopping in Masca Bay, there was a chance to go swimming. I decided not to bother as I knew the water was quite cool and I was enjoying sitting in the sun. Though I did get a little pink. Whoops!
Instead of the normal way to go swimming, they continued in the pirate theme and there was a swing to get in. I saw some people going on it several times. It was very popular.
Swinging... |
... And falling |
While they were getting ready to sail, they gave us what they called (and pardon the language) "piss of the shark". The crazy one squirted it into your mouth. And just kept going. A lot of us ended up with it over us! We had no choose than to pull away or drowned! Though I think I managed to get about 3 shots out it. (I have no idea what the drink was but it tasted like a weak honey rum.)
Quick drink |
And to continue the slightly nuts theme, on the way back the crazy one fed the seagulls. At first just throwing food (chips I think) to them.
Catching food |
Then hand feeding them.
Hand feeding the seagulls |
Then mouth feeding. It was an interesting spectacle but having had my food stolen by seagulls on several occasions, it seemed like encouraging bad habits. :)
Mouth feeding the seagulls |
Got it |
I spent the rest of the afternoon sleeping or chilling out with my iPad on the balcony. It was nice to to relax in the peace and quiet and warmth.
This time I check the time of the sunset and set out early. I do love the golden hour light.
Golden hour |
For the evening I had booked a really nice restaurant, with ex-Michelin star chefs. My reservation wasn't until 9.30pm which was a bit late but worth it.
As I was celebrating, I started with a glass of cava. They gave me a free starter, a cone of squid and an expresso cup of squid juice. I think something got lost in the translation. I was skeptical but it was amazing. I wish the cup had been bigger.
My main was, as again celebrating, fillet steak and truffle sauce (it was a very posh restaurant but tenerife style so still laid back, if that makes sense). For desert, I choose the mango soup because it sounded weird. But so good. If the restaurant hadn't been so nice, I might have licked the bowl! And the desert wine was perfect.
Dessert - mango soup, coconut tapioca and sherry ice cream plus dessert wine! |
Ready for a night out. |
It was a lovely night and I finished with a moon lit walk on the beach which was right by my hotel. And the perfect way to celebrate!
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