Friday was Independence day here, one of the few American holiday where we actually get the day off. And the weather was a lot better than last year! And thankfully cooler than the rest of the week or I would have melted.
Unfortunately none of the buses were running so I walked down to Smithfield Planation which took about an hour. I was melting when I got there but managed to find someone selling cold drinks.
Dressed for the occasion |
Different version of the USA flag |
There was a band playing on the porch of the house so I sat listening and cooling down for a while.
Band |
There was also a re-enactor talking about the war and showing us who to fire his gun. He let me hold it and it was really heavy.
Preparing the rifle |
Take aim... |
Fire! |
It was really loud. And the little flame on the photo was only a small amount of the fire that shot out from that thing. They have had to add bits to the gun to stop enactors from setting themselves on fire!
They also sang "Star Spangled Banner" and read out the Fincastle resolution (an early version of the declaration for just this area) and then the Declaration of Independence, which I'll admit, I didn't sit through. I snuck out (it's long and really quite out of date) and headed across town to get some food and a good spot to watch the parade.
Leading the parade |
Community band |
Scouts |
There was a lot about the veterans so in the parade there were lots of army jeeps and veterans groups, including (in Preston style) a car from the Veterans cemetery.
And a car from the forest services with a guy dressed as Smokey Bear suit who must have been really hot!
Smokey bear |
Apparently they let any who has a really cool car in the parade as a lot seemed to be just random people in cool cars.
So American |
My favorite! |
There were also some horses who must have been the most placid horses alive. As right behind them came the entire of Blacksburg's rescue service, EMTs, and fire service. All honking their horns and using their sirens.
Docile horses |
Even a random bus got in on the act.
Blacksburg Transit buses |
The mayor got the coolest seat!
Blacksburg fire department |
I hope no one needed to emergency services! They were all in the parade. But I was very impressed. They closed down main street and reopened without any dress or drama. Within 10 mins of the parade finishing, everything was normal again. I guess they do it so often, it's easy.
After the parade, there was a free movie, "Angels in the outfield", a Disney film, showing at the Lyric. But I had to do it the full American way. With popcorn and Milk Duds. Which I had never had before but are very tasty. Basically chocolate coated chewy caramel. My jaw ached after a while but it was worth it.
Classic movie snacks! Yummy! |
There was some time after the film before the evening shuttle buses started over to the park, so I just chilled around campus and read my book in the sun.
War Memorial |
Alumni Mall |
Buress Hall and the Massacre memorial |
Once at the park, I found a stand selling fresh lemonade (so American! Loved it!) and a hot dog and sat listening to the community band playing American classics. (I couldn't name any of them but they said they were classics so I'll believe them!)
Listening to the band |
I also brought a "small" bag of kettle corn. Small by American standards. The large was bigger than most 6 yr olds. (I did not eat all my bag!)
Kettle corn with my shoes for scaling purposes! |
The second band, the Meter's Running (which until they got on stage I did think was some sort of strange race they were going to run through the park), were a jazz/blues/swing band and despite the lack of a dance floor, it didn't stop many people from dancing. The atmosphere was really fun.
Dancing |
The band |
the band |
They sang until the fireworks started. Which was the real reason me and most of the audience were there. I got some decent photos. Though I missed the one which shot a smiley face into the sky. Very cool! :-)
They got to a certain point and it seems they got up setting them off in order. They just set everything off at once. Awesome!
After the fireworks, which were worth the wait, I had to walk home, which was very uncomfortable thanks to 2 large blisters (evil shoes!). But it was a good day.
Now I have to start packing again :-( But have lots of fun things planned for the next month. So I am excited even if it does mean more planes, airports, and living out of a suitcase again for another month. :-)
Happy Independence Day!
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