Sunday was my last day in Australia. :-( So I got up early, packed, cleaned and dropped by luggage off at storage before heading into town one last time. I went to the markets to get a couple of last things and some more sugar cane juice! :-)
But first right outside my apartments I spent ages just watching a little humming bird. He moved so fast, it took ages to get a photo that wasn't a blur!
Humming bird |
The marina was really pretty and has a really cute little train station.
Port Douglas Marina |
The weather was a lot better at the markets this week and there were a lot more stalls too.
Markets |
I got some lunch and headed to the beach for the last time. I finally managed to find the time to climb the hill and get a better view of the 4 mile beach.
4 mile beach |
Looking out to Crocodile Island |
My view over lunch |
Sand crab hills |
I walked along the sand and water and chilled out, wasting time before my shuttle to the airport. Until I was driven away my mosquitoes. Due to the long wet season, they are everywhere. And come out all times of the day and night. That is the only thing I will NOT miss about Australia. I have been eaten alive!
Last view of the beach |
Sydney airport is one of the worse I think. Because no one will give you a straight answer on where to go. I spent ages trying to get to my hotel. 5 people all told me different things! I was wondering around for ages before I just stopped a bus and begged for help. An off-duty air stewardess took pity on me thankfully!
Once I did arrive, the hotel was very nice and I had a great meal. The room is lovely, with some interesting inclusions I haven't seen before.
Bottle opener - every hotel room should have one! |
So you can do business while ... doing your business? |
I am just about to head back to the airport for the very long flight back. I am really not looking forward to it. Especially as my bug cream ran out and the bites are driving me mad. (First stop in the airport, the pharmacy.) Still hopefully everything will go smoothly and I will be in my own bed within a few days times. I think. I arrive in San Francisco before I leave Sydney so I am just not thinking about the time and time differences. It gives me a headache. I'll just gorge on movies and sleep and let everything sort itself out! :-)
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