We did manage to have some fun over Christmas and New Year (I know I am really behind in updating this). By New Years Eve mom and dad were feeling a bit better so we enjoyed our meal and a sparkling wine comparison.
I love roasted chestnuts but last year and this year we shouldn't find any so decided to make them ourselves. You can just roast them int he oven but where is the fun in that? Dad had an old washing machine drum which has been converted to a fire barrel and he made a grill out of car engine oil dip sticks. (It worked fine until the plastic ends melted off onto the grass.)
Grill |
We had a little trouble get it to light. Who knew Christmas paper was not flammable? So dad decided to help it along. With I believe it was a bottle of break fluid something. Anyway very flammable.
Considering |
Having fun |
A little too much |
It was all going well until he squirted it in for a little too long and the fire travelled up the stream to the mouth of the bottle. This happened 3 times. Luckily each time we managed to put it out before it got into the bottle of highly flammable liquid and create us a Molotov cocktail. Though we did set the lawn on fire each time while putting it out. Mom didn't care. It just burnt the mss anyway.
We got a good fire going.
And mom made some great mulled wine while dad and I were causing chaos in the back garden.
Chestnuts on. |
Note the burnt plastic the floor. |
Enjoying our efforts. |