Dad turns 65 this week and officially retired on Friday. And he was so happy!
I went home for a long weekend, travelling home Thursday. I had hoped the traffic would be better than on a Friday. But no. The M40 was a nightmare.
On Friday we started the prep for the party and I got a hair cut as my hairdresser is awesome and it is crazy expensive in London. On the evening when Dad got home, we had a take away and a few bottles of wine to celebrate.
The party was Saturday afternoon and carried on into the night. And we had so much food. I forgot to take a photo (I was too busy getting drinks and refilling the food) but I did get some of the cake.
We did a little decorating, mainly putting up photos of dad around the house. He was such cute kid.
My dad as a kid. |
The weather held out for the most part (it started spitting a little at about 7pm) so most people were sitting outside for most of the afternoon. Everyone showed up so we had to dig out some extra chairs.
Birthday boy blowing out the candles. |
It was a great night. Everyone left with food parcels and we had to pour one person into a car at the end. (Thankfully as it was mom's car, she did not need the supplied puke bucket.) Dad had a great time and is already planning things for his spare time.
I also got my latest project framed and picked it up this weekend. Due to the weight and size, it's going to have to stay at mom and dads until I have a house where I can put some holes in the walls. They are quite happy with this and I'll be lucky to get it back! It turned out better than I expected.