I went to a cheese and wine course this weekend, hoping to make more friends in the area. As usual I was the youngest by about 20 years. (I need to rethink my event selection!) I got there early and found it was a house. So waited outside for some time int he freezing cold - I am not just going into someone house on my own. (I have seen Criminal Minds!) There were about 18 others and lots of cheese and wine.
Cheeses |
We were usually given 2-3 wines and 2-3 cheeses and decided which combinations we like the best. But to be honest after 10+ cheeses and wines, I just lost track and enjoyed. (We had about 18 different wines I think.)
Some favourites |
There was also a light lunch provided which was a very good thing by this point. Lots of fun but required a nap when I got home!