Sunday, 19 June 2016

Moving and Father's day

Saturday was the big move day. I have spent the last few weeks buying and attempting to sort out everything I need. Unfortunately my letting agency is the most incompetent I have ever know. So this has not been easy. 
Thankfully Kerry and Craig offered their services in helping me move and brought the van and mini (which fits a surprisingly large enough in it). Though I think even they were surprised. I have had to buy practically everything. 
Rearranging the van.
Stuffing things in everywhere.
 We loaded up 3 vehicles and hit the motorway. I led the way, until we got lost anyway. (I blame dad!) They all moaned how slow I was going too slow at times. But I only have a little car and it does not like going fast up hill with a load. But we got there.
And then had to wait. About 2 hours. Because my letting agency had double booked my check-in and no one knew where my keys where.
Not impressed.
Dad and I went for a walk and ended up watching some escapee horses who were not happy and stopped all the traffic (not that is was going anywhere fast anyway).
Not sure whether to keep running
 We also walked down to the river, which isn't far. Though the weather was not great.
 Thankfully they sorted it out eventually. On the evening, after unloading and tiding, we went out for a meal to celebrate and for father's day. (He got all his presents on Friday night.)
The food was amazing (I happily live near a very nice restaurant) though the portion sizes were huge.  Still I know have food for a few nights! Today Kerry and Craig left early while me, mom and dad did some food shopping and tried to do some other bits. It didn't quite work out as we got the wrong batteries and need some adapters. But we tried. And I drove in my first London traffic jam. Always fun. I'll put some photos up when I actually get proper furniture and it looks nicer.
Start the new job tomorrow. Eeeek! :)

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Family BBQ

This weekend, after a very long day trip to London for a very short visit (6+ hours travelling for a 3 minute appointment), on Sunday we went over to Kerry and Craigs for a BBQ in their background. Which is very nice. They even have minions!
We are not some exotic. Honest
 Craig did the cooking, lots of it. And all so good.
man watching fire
All action when the food is ready
They got Tilly out to play too. She loved running around and trying to climb. Though Craig is mean to her sometimes. (The red on her beak is strawberry not lipstick.)
Tortoise seflie
Tormenting Tilly
Umm, lettuce
Going for a climb. 

Friday, 3 June 2016

Bank holiday weekend

Last week, I accepted a job! I will be moving down to London mid-June. :) 
Last Friday I meet up with Sarah and Ben and he has grown so much! He's a proper cheeky lad now. We had great fun bouncing, and I got to work on my arm muscles as he did not like me stopping! A great work out. Hope they come a visit when I move. 
Happy chappie.
As I have been promising my aunt and uncle a meal, they came over on Sunday night for a lovely meal. I spent most of the weekend cooking but it was worth it. The courses (there were 4) disappeared very quickly so I only get a photo of the desert. Chocolate ganache with ice cream and blackberry syrup with a raspberry brandy snap stack.
I spent most of Monday hungover. :(

On Tuesday mom and I went down to London to look for places to live. I had planned on taking some photos but it was miserable. It rained all day and we were therefore very miserable. But I think I have a new apartment sorted. I am headed back down to London to sort the last bits out. I have sent the last 3 days trying to finalise things, with little success. I am not looking forward to seeing my phone bill. (I have sorted out places to live in 3 different continents and this has been the most difficult.)  Hopefully the weather will be better this weekend.