Last weekend I took a trip down to the south part of the island to do some exploring. When I got up Friday morning, it was raining in La Laguna. :( But it sort of cleared up. I have been getting the buses around, which are cheap but take some time. It took about 2 hours to get to the south of the island.
I managed to get to the boat at Costa Adeje in time to sit and have a coffee before we set off. The Blue Jack is a small boat and only takes 11 people out at a time. It was more expensive than some of the others, but they have 50+ people on board. No thanks.
Staking out my spot. |
I ended up sitting right at the front of the boat. A perfect spot for one. I felt a little guilty blocking the view but there wasn't anywhere else to sit so tough.
Sailing away from shore |
First we headed out to the fishery nets. I was a little confused by this (not very scenic) but the dolphins hang out there. Apparently they love sea bream which are grown in the nets and patrol for escapees (to just bite their way into the nets!).
Dolphin. |
Happy swimmers. |
After the dolphins decided to go off for a swim we headed further out. Some boats had spotted a pod of pilot whales. Because we were on a sail boat with the sail up and no engine, we just glided up to near them. They didn't seem to care and came to investigate and play!
Pilot whales |
Racing us! |
<Insert Jaws theme tune> |
They came right up to the boat. They were about 3-5m long and not shy.
Saying hello. |
Popping out from under the boat. |
I did jump a few times when one surfaced the other side of me.
Whale below |
Surfacing. |
Off for a dive... |
... and back up for air. |
I should point out that none of these photos are zoomed in. This one really made me jump! I was sitting right at the front and looked down just as he/she came up to say hi.
Hello! |
After scaring me. |
Had enough playing now. |
After about 20mins, they decided we weren't interesting any more and swam off. It was so cool. Then the crew came round with drinks, which included Cava. As I was on vacation (even if it was only a couple of days), way not!
Cava with a view. |
I look a little nervous in this shot as they were putting up the sail behind me and I was a bit concerned with going over board.
Happy (but nervous) |
Shortly after, while we were sailing along the coast to our next stop, the weather clouded over. At least it stopped me from getting sun burnt. Although I did manage to burn the bottom of my feet. We couldn't wear shoes on the boat, and the floor was hot! I was walking very gingerly for the next few days.
Sailing. |
Not the best weather. |
We stopped in a cove for lunch (very tasty sandwiches and they made me some especially with GF bread which was very sweet) and a swim. I went in briefly and the water was warm but there wasn't a lot to see. It was too murky. Still I had fun sharing my lunch with the fish.
Fish lunch. |
While we were there another boat pulled up. It was one of the larger boats and so crowded. I was very happy I was not on that boat! And by the looks on the faces of the others on my boat, so were they. On the way back the weather cleared up a little of course, so I still got to top up my tan.
Headed back to port. |
I was lazy (and surprisingly tired for having not done a lot) and got a taxi to my hotel in Playa de las Americas. The room was nice, though the electrics were ... ad hoc.
Plug? |
While lounging around, I got a knock at the door and a very nice lady handed me a surprise bottle of Brut and some chocolates. I am not entirely sure why but once I established it was for me, from the Hotel (not some pyscho who had seen me in the lobby and was trying to find my room number by following the wine - too much Criminal minds, I know) and it was free, I happily took them off her.
Surprise! |
Apparently it was a "thank-you for staying with us" gift. Given that they were giving me free wine, I decided to over look the fact they assumed I must be a man (despite booking with my own name, which is decidedly not male). I enjoyed this over the 2 nights I was there.
Mr. Harris? |
For the evening, I had done some research and found the "best restaurant in Playa de las Americas" according to Trip Adviser and booked a table. I was glad I did because it was packed and they were turning people away. I wasn't too impressed with Playa de las Americas. It was super touristy (not my thing) and made me appreciate living in La Laguna instead. I took a few photos before going for dinner.
Fountain |
Main concourse. |
Sunset |
Bit like Vegas |
The Hard rock was very popular. |
My restaurant, Imperial Tai-Pan, was lovely. The sushi was really good and I got to feed my addiction to Hot and Sour Soup. It was bit more expensive than other places (a lot more than anywhere in La Laguna) but good sushi is worth it. (Though I think I paid more for 2 bottles of water than the sake.)