I am currently doing the student police academy (they let me in even though I am not a student as I know the cops!). Last week was life as a police officer and terrorism. The terrorism one was really interesting as it was given by the head of the police department who used to be FBI. He was head of the Osama bin Laden task force. His first day was sept 11th 2001 (that is being dumped in at the deep end!) and he talked about the cases he had worked on. It was very cool to get an "insider" view.
This week was the CSI week. They set up a crime scene and in groups we have to photograph it, ask for evidence and basically solve the crime. Split over 2 nights, Monday was the gathering evidence. The group is split into 3 teams and there is a prize at the end of it for the best team. (I don't think we will be getting it as my team really didn't seem that into it. The others were talking about the crime scene and theories - mine just wanted the candy cane to drugged and then started talking about aliens and deadliest catch! A bit disappointing.)
We had one dead body, another stabbing victim in the hospital, a suspect (caught standing over the live victim wight he knife in his hand), and another girl missing! And a candy cane on the dead body. Very strange! (We already nicknamed him/her the Candy Cane Killer!)
Our victim and a mysterious candy cane. |
Crime scene |
Evidence |
Who left the bottle? |
Someone forgot their shirt! |
Did they wipe down the prints? |
Looking puzzled. |
The weapon! |
Blood smears (that look a lot like chocolate) |
After the crime scene we got to interview the suspect. (I don't think we were very good at it. We forgot to ask if he did it!)
Then we got a demonstration on blood spatter and finger printing. Most of this I knew from CSI etc but it was good to see in real life.
Our expert |
low velocity blood drops. |
Unfortunatly then my camera battery died. :-( But we did get to try to take finger prints. The powder really does get everywhere! And of course you have to scratch your nose as soon as it gets on your hands.
Mine didn't exactly turn out well. I thing I need more practice. Or I just don't have a thumb print. :-/
My thumb print??? |
Wednesday, we got our requested evidence back and tried to figure out who was the killer. No one got it right. Though that was mainly because the whole scenario turned out to be utterly unrealistic (way too CSI/Criminal minds to be real) and we were all trying to come up with realistic ideas.
The second night was a disappointment honestly. It seemed like the whole thing hadn't really been thought out - evidence never accounted for etc. If thats what it's really like, it's not surprising so many of the criminals win! My group sucked. They didn't listen to each other and even though asked never put down a request for finger prints from the knife! I hope they never go into law enforcement!
Still the first night was interesting and it bets working at home (again!). Next week is drunk driving, K9, and zombie apocalypse. (I'm going to have to let you know what that is as I have no idea, other than the strange obvious.)