Last week I went to a statistics summer school at Penn State University.
It was too expensive and too much trouble to fly so I decided to drive. I hired a car from the university fleet services. I got there Friday afternoon and they decided I couldn't use my UK driving license. So after a frantic search got a car from Enterprise. A small economy car they said. It was an interesting trip back to my flat that night.
Small economy car. USA style. |
The whole trip should take ~6 hrs. So I spilt it up over 2 days and stopped a few places on the way. On the way up, first I went to the Grand Caverns. There are tones of caverns in Virginia. And these are amazing. (I went to 3 during the trip so am now an expert on cave formations!)
Calcite formations |
water line. |
Used to offer cave water in these jars in 1800s. |
Goes up 100ft. |
Signatures on the rock of civil war soldiers and leaders. |
After this I headed to my first vine yard of the trip. Shenandoah vineyards is the second oldest vineyard in Virginia and the oldest in the Shenandoah region. The woman was a lovely eccentric old lady and the wines were lovely. Which surprised me. I have tried a few VA wines from the supermarket and they are not that good. But obviously the vineyards sell the best stuff from their own cellars.
View from the tasting room. |
My chosen wine selection. |
On the Saturday night, I stayed in Winchester, but didn't really see much of the town. On Sunday I headed up to the Warriors Path State Path which is just over the border in Pennsylvania. The trip was interesting thanks to my Sat Nav (GPS) taking it on itself to take me on some interesting "roads". At one point I was going 5mph to void the boulders in the "road" which was basically a dirt path. I was praying no other cars were coming the other direction. The worst part is some of the time I could see a perfectly good road.
Due to the weather being iffy and raining on and off I didn't stay long. I did go to the toilets which were basically a very deep hole in the ground. Still it was worth it.
Snapper head turtle, laying eggs on the trail side |
One of many dragon flies |
The river at Warrior's Path State Park, PA. |
Then on the way to Penn State, I got stuck behind an Amish cart. I was so excited. Probably the only person on the road to be excited! (I don't get much excitement in my life!)
Amish horse and cart. |
I ended up in the hotel at State College by 1pm so decided to go to some local vineyards in the area. The first was Mt. Nittany. The drive was lovely, in mountains and small lanes.
Mt. Nittany tasting room. |
Perfect view for a glass of wine. |
Wine selection from Mt. Nittany, |
I also went to Seven Mountain vineyard, which is a lot posher but I didn't get any pictures. I think at first I offended the lady giving me the tasting. I was driving so I didn't want too much and kept pouring them out. (I did ask for very small tastes but she ignored me.) I had to then explain, after she indignantly asked why I didn't like any of them, that I did but was driving so couldn't drink much. Of course I then felt obliged to buy some of the wines. :-) Which wasn't a hardship as they had a very nice Riesling (which was of course buy 2, get one free). What's a girl to do?
Seven mountain wines. |
The week was mostly in lectures on stats. Which I was expecting to be useful but not as interesting as they were. I got loads of ideas on things I could actually do to investigate and study my data. It was hard work (long days in lectures) but worth it. On Wednesday night we had a nice dinner (though all the deserts were cake so I couldn't eat them. :-( )
On Thursday we had a half afternoon off and a trip to Penn's cave, which is a water cave. Initially the boat was a little too shaky for me (and everyone else's) liking. But the cave was nice.
Water cave |
Penn's cave |
Lake at the end of the water cave. |
We then went for a BBQ and Indian buffet picnic. Which if it had been on any of the previous days would have been fine. Unfortunately, as always happens when you plan a picnic, it rained. So most of us stayed in the undercover pavilion. Still the food and company were good. Some of us headed off early when the rain stopped as we were freezing. Friday night was filled with Lebanese food, drinks (in mulitple bars because we couldn't make up our mind!) and lots of very fun girl talk. :-)
By the end of the week I was exhausted but had a great time meeting lots of interesting people, learning loads, and having lots of good food.
Saturday morning after breakfast, Megan and I walked through the campus to get some pictures of the local wildlife running around campus.
Baby ducks everywhere - little blurry as they wouldn't stay still! |
Chipmunks! |
Baby rabbit (saw rabbits every day walking into Uni.) |
The squirrels had no fear. At all. |
The we went to the Arboretum, which was fun but not finished.
Lily |
View from the Pavilion. |
No idea what this is but saw it running across the car park. |
After this we headed back to my car and out to a farm shop. It was brilliant and I stocked up on some of the foods and stuff I haven't found in Blacksburg yet. And then I took Megan for her first PA wine tasting at the Happy Valley vineyard. Which I think she enjoyed. :-)
Megan and Harley. |
Happy Valley vineyard tasting room. |
My wine selection from the Happy Valley, including an ice wine. |
After this it was on to the creamery where Penn State trained Ben & Jerry. And it was sooooo good. You pay for a bowl or cone. No different sizes. My bowl had ~5-6 scoops in it. Pralines & cream. Ice cream heaven! :-)
Megan walked back to the hotel and I then attempted to find a gas station. However on Saturday, my TomTom was having an off day. It sent me to 3 gas stations which did not exist. Until I gave up and just drove around until I found one. It required some interesting (and potentially illegal maneuvers) but it ended up ok. I was then supposed to go to Berkeley Springs. But my TomTom does things by state and I didn't realise the springs I wanted to go to was just over the border in VA. So I ended up in the wrong one. (Apparently there are a few places called Berkeley Springs. Like one in each state!) I ended up in a tiny little, one-horse town where they looked at me like I had just parked my space ship, not my jeep. I didn't stick around there long (though it was very pretty). It meant I added another 2+ hrs to my trip and didn't arrive at my hotel until 7pm.
That evening and night I was unfortunate enough to have the room I did. At ~11pm, there was a knock on the door by 2 Mexican guys looking for their friend. When they figured he wasn't here, they tried to hit on me and get in the room anyway. I shut the door on them. But at 2am, they apparently forgot and came looking for "Sarah" again. I told them to go away. Which they had forgotten by 3am when they started banging on my door again. Sigh! So I didn't get much sleep.
Sunday however was amazing. I went to the Luray Caverns as everyone has been telling me about them. They are very cool.
Mirror lake - only top formations are real. Bottom ones are reflections |
Plutos ghost |
Oldest formation at ~7 million yrs old |
Different colours in the caves |
Light behind cave bacon. |
I sat having a bowl of chilli for lunch listening to live music. They also had a toy museum which was fun. (Though the dolls still creeped me out.)
I then headed to my last vineyard on the way home. However as I hit the interstate the heavens opened. I couldn't see more than 10 meters in front of my car. But that didn't seem to bother the other drivers, as they continued at 70mph and more scarily, switching lanes with only centimeters to spare. I spent about 10mins screaming at the top of my lungs and swearing at other drivers. (I know some interesting swear words and curses it seems when put in the right/wrong situation.) And apparently I can get real road rage. Especially when people stay in the outside lane (these interstates only have 2 lanes) and clog up the traffic.
But I did get there. And I think the Blue Ridge Vineyard was my favourite. Their wines weren't the best but the place was amazing. It was literally the middle of nowhere. They have a bear on the wine label as they often have visits by lack bears. In fact the owner wasn't there for some of the time as their dog got mauled by a bear the night before. But the people there were the nicest and I sat for an hour just chatting to them. There was a guy there who was the stereotype for mountain hillbilly. He was brilliant! He explained how these were his good bibs (dungarees) as he had been to church that morning. It was fabulous! Plus they had live music and the girl was amazing. She had such a good voice. I brought her CD and a few bottles of wine.
View from the Blue ridge Vineyards tasting room. |
Wine selection from the Blue Ridge Vineyard |
View driving near the winery. |
I had a great time there. And will definitely be going back. But I had to leave as I needed to get the car back and take advantage of it to do some serious food shopping!
I was very sad to give the car back. It was a lovely car in the end. And I now have a very nice (if overly extensive) wine collection. :-/ But I wont need to carry any more home from the supermarket for the next, well, year most likely. OK, maybe 6 months. :-)
Full selection of VA and PA wines. |